I'd update you on everything but ultimately, it is 6 days until September and only 66 days until Hallowe'en and I thought this would be an excellent time to start up again.
The biggest news is that the chickens are here!
We've also nearly completed the redo of the "back 40" and it should be completed today! Wow.
Meanwhile, I have a broken ankle and I severely pulled a muscle in my back doing farm work so I'm relegated to the couch with an ice pack for another week or so.
Hallowe'en is already in the planning stages here at Bluestocking Farm and it's going to be one for the ages. I am going off the beaten path this year for a new less "haunting" look and I think it is going to really appeal to my neighborhood. No frights or scares this year - but 2013 we'll be back in business with an all new and improved haunt.
Anyway, 2012 is going to be a craft-o-licious Hallowe'en and I will be joined by my niece, AKA, the Kid for all of the craft mania. Wooo!