Hallowe'en is 29 days away and I am not ready!
The building I work in is termite tenting this weekend, so I have Friday off, which is a very fortunate thing. I will hopefully be able to get up early to work on the fencing before the heat starts tomorrow. Then I will go on to the monster mud portion of the day. Thankfully, I have an air conditioned craft room to work in through the afternoon heat.
My goal is to have the fencing finished by Sunday night. Check back here Monday morning for news on that front.
You're more than welcome to join me on the farm this weekend for fence building and spray painting and in return, I will provide all the coffee you can drink, fresh from the coop eggs, and Eggo Pumpkin Spice waffles for breakfast all weekend!
Keep it scary!
I love those Pumpkin Spice waffles just wish all the stores where not sold out.